Saturday, April 24, 2010


We are all indispensable.  That's right, I just said that - INDISPENSABLE.  There's this belief out there that "God doesn't need me" and that "I'm replaceable" and that "no one is 'indispensable'".  Every heard anyone (yourself?!) say something like this before?

While the humble heart attitude behind this is great, the idea that "no one is 'indispensable'" is simply not true.  The truth, as I see it, is that the church isn't being the church unless everyone is playing their part.  That means that no one is replaceable.  No one is dispensable.  YOU have a unique contribution to make.  YOU were designed by God to play a significant, unique part in God's redemptive plan for our world.  YOU were chosen, before God even created the planet, to do good works for Him... And if you don't do it, no one else will do it for you.  There is only one you!

So...what are you waiting for??!

(For a different/way-better-than-mine perspective on this, check out Seth Godin's great book "Linchpins")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great day today.
Thanks for poring into my life.
It will go far.